Language Development Lab
Dr. Yuriko Oshima-Takane, Director
Join our Lab
Information for undergraduate students

If you are interested in understanding how children acquire language, join our lab as a volunteer or as a research student. You can get hands-on research
experience.  If you would like to do a research project, a good first step is to get involved in research as a volunteer student.  You can learn the basic procedures and see what kinds of projects are available for research students to pursue.  We prefer students to make a commitment to work in the lab
for a minimum of two semesters.  Students working for more than two semesters are given more responsibility and have the opportunity to learn how to design a study and to master new research skills.  If you are interested in joining our lab as a research student or as a volunteer student, please contact Prof. Oshima-Takane.

Information for potential graduate students

We are interested in taking new graduate students with research experience in developmental psychology or psycholinguistics.  If you are interested in joining our lab for graduate school, please contact Prof. Oshima-Takane in advance of the application deadline.



Copyright 2005 Kenji Takane All Rights Reserved
Section last updated October 31st, 2005