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Yoshio Takane earned his Bachelor of Letters (BL) degree in 1970, Master of Letters (ML) in 1972 and Doctor of Letters in 1976, all from the University of Tokyo. In 1977, he earned his Ph. D. in Psychometrics from the Univeraity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was on the faculty of the Department of Psychology, McGill University (Montreal, Canada) since 1977. He retired from McGill in 2011. He is now an adjunct professor at the University of Victoria (British Columbia, Canada). He is interested in developing various psychometric methods, and have previously published a number of articles on:
Below is a list of publications by Yoshio Takane. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files.
You can download it here.
Those of you who are primarily interested in CPCA related material, go to Item 5 located at the bottom of the publication list.
0 . In Memorium
(y001) | Takane, Y. (2006). Upon Professor Yanai's retirement. In M. Taguri, et al. (Eds.), Essays Commemorating Professor Yanai's Retirement from the National Center for University Entrance Examinations (NCUEE). Tokyo, NCUEE, 26-27 (in Japanese). | |
(y002) | Takane, Y. (June, 2014). Professor Yanai, A man of passion. In A. Nakayama (Ed.), Newsletter of the Behaviormetric Society of Japan, 141, 2-3, (in Japanese). | |
(p112) | Takane, Y. (2014). Professor Yanai and multivariate analysis. Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics. 41, 73-82 (in Japanese). | |
(p116) | Takane, Y. (2016). Professor Haruo Yanai and multivariate analysis. Special Matrices. 4, 283-295. | (PW001) | Takane, Y. (2015). Life as a psychologist overseas. In Shinrigaku World , 68, 69, 70. 1. Experiences as an exchange student in high school days; 2. A graduate study at the Psychometric Lab at UNC; 3. Getting a job in North America; 43-45 (in Japanese). |
1 . Published Books
(m007) | Hwang, H., and Takane, Y. (2014). Generalized structured component analysis: A component-based approach to structural equation modeling. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman and Hall/CRC Press. |
(m006) | Takane, Y . (2013). Constrained principal component analysis and related techniques. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman and Hall/CRC Press. |
(m005) | Yanai, H., Takeuchi, K., and Takane, Y . (2011). Projection matrices, generalized inverse matrices, and singular value decomposition. New York: Springer. |
(m004) | Takane, Y. (1995). Constrained principal component analysis. Tokyo: Asakurashoten, (in Japanese). |
(m003) | Ferguson, G.A., and Takane, Y. (1989). Statistical analysis in psychology and education. 6th ed. New York: McGraw Hill. |
(m002) | Takane, Y. (1980). Multidimensional scaling. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, (in Japanese). |
(m001) | Yanai, H., and Takane, Y. (1977). Multivariate analysis. Tokyo: Asakurashoten, (in Japanese). |
2 . Submitted Papers (Submitted papers may be obtained by contact)
(s006) | Loisel, S., and Takane, Y. (2009). Minimum polynomial extrapolation in MATLAB and in R. |
(s005) | Takane, Y., and Tian, Y. (2005). The null space of the information matrix in maximum likelihood multidimensional scaling. |
(s004) | Tian, Y., and Takane, Y. (2004). On the relations between two matrix sets generated by linear matrix expressions. |
(s003) | Takane, Y., Hwang, H., and Oshima-Takane, Y. (2001). A kernel method for multiple-set canonical correlation analysis. |
(s002) | Takane, Y., and Oshima-Takane, Y. (2001). Neural network models for non-linear generalized canonical correlation analysis. |
(s001) | Hwang, H., and Takane, Y. (2003). Extended redundancy analysis: Extended features. |
3 . Published Papers or Papers in Press
(p124) | Lombardo, R., Takane, Y., and Beh, E. J. (in press). Familywise decompositions of Pearson's chi-square statistic for contingency tables. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification . DOI: 10.1007/s11634-019-00374-7. | |
(p123) | Loisel, S., and Takane, Y. (2019). Comparisons among several methods for dealing with missing data in principal component analysis (PCA). Advances in Data Analysis and Classification , 13 , 495-518. DOI: 10.1007/s11634-018-0310-9. | |
(p122) | Hwang, H., Takane, Y., and Jung, K. (2017). Generalized structured component anlysis with uniqueness terms for accommodating measurement error. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:2137. (doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02137) | |
(p121) | Takane, Y. (2016). AKAIKE, H. (1987). Factor analysis and AIC. Psychometrika, 52, 317-332. (3872 citations in Google Scholar as of April, 2016). Psychometrika, 81, 1191-1193. | |
(p120) | Takane, Y., and Hwang, H. (2017). Comparisons among several consistent estimators of structural equation models. Behaviormetrika. | |
(p119) | Takane, Y. (2016). My early interactions with Jan and some of his lost papers. Journal of Statistical Software, 73(7) 1-14. (DOI: 10.18637/jss.v073.i07). | |
(p118) | Zhou, L., Takane, Y., and Hwang, H. (2016). Dynamic GSCANO (Generalized structured canonical correlation analysis) with applications to the analysis of effective connectivity in functional neuroimaging data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 101, 93-109. | |
(p117) | Whitman, J. C., Takane, Y., Cheung, T.P.L., Moiseev, A., Ribary, U., Ward, L. M., and Woodward, T. S. (2016). Acceptance of evidence-supported hypotheses generates a stronger signal from an underlying functionally-connected network. NeuroImage, 127, 215-226. | |
(p116) | Takane, Y., (2016). Professor Haruo Yanai and multivariate analysis. Special Matrices, 4, 283-295. | |
(p115) | Loisel, S., and Takane, Y., (2016). Partitions of Pearson's chi-square statistic for frequency tables: A comprehensive account. Computational Statistics, 31, 1429-1452. | |
(c051) | Takane, Y. (2015). Professor Yanai and multivariate analysis. In J. Hunter (Ed.), Souvenir Booklet for the 24th International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics (pp. 230-239). | |
(p114) | Jung, K., Takane, Y., Hwang, H., and Woodward, T. S. (in press). Multilevel dynamic generalized strucured component analysis in functional neuroimaging data. Psychometrika. | |
(p113) | Hwang, H., Takane, Y., and Tenenhaus, A. (in press). A new estimation procedure for partial least squares path modeling. Behaviormetrika. | |
(c050) | Takane, Y., and Loisel, S. (in press). On the PLS algorithm for multiple regression (PLS1). In H. Abdi (Ed.), Proceedings of PL-2014. | |
(p112) | Takane, Y. (2014). Professor Yanai and multivariate analysis. Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics. 41, 73-82 (in Japanese). | |
(c049) | Jung, K., and Takane, Y. (2015). Multidimensionl scaling I. In D. J. Wright (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, Vol. 16, (pp. 34-39). Oxford: Elsevier. | |
(p111) | Oshima-Takane, Y., Wang, S., Takane, M., and Takane, Y. (2014). The acquisition of personal pronouns in English: Neural network simulations. Studies in Language Sciences, 13, 53-69. | |
(p110) | Hwang, H., Suk, H., Takane, Y., Lee, J., and Lim, J. (2015). Generalized functional extended redundancy analysis for scalar responses. Psychometrika, 80, 101-125. | |
(c048) | Takane, Y., and Zhou, L. (2014). Anatomy of Pearson's chi-square statistic in three-way contingency tables. In R. Millsap, L. A. van der Ark, D. M. Bolt, and C. M. Woods (Eds.), New Devlopments in Quantitative Psychology, (pp. 41-57). New York: Springer. | |
(p109) | Woodward, T. S., Feredoes, E., Metzak, P. D., Takane, Y., and Manoach, D. S. (2013). Epoch-specific networks involved in working memory: A functional connectivity analysis. NeuroImage, 65, 529-539. | |
(p108) | Hwang, H., Jung, K., Takane, Y., and Woodward, T. S. (2013). A unified approach to multiple-set canonical correlation analysis and principal components analysis. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 66, 308-321. | |
(p107) | Jung, K., Takane, Y., Hwang, H., and Woodward, T. S. (2012). Dynamic GSCA (Generalized Structured Component Analysis) with applications to the analysis of effective connectivity in functional neuroimaging data. Psychometrika, 77, 827-848. | |
(p106) | Liu, Y., Tian, Y., and Takane, Y. (2009). Ranks of Hermitian solutions to the matrix equation AXA* = B. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 431, 2359-2372. | |
(p105) | Takane, Y., and Zhou, L. (2012). On two expressions of the MLE for a special case of the extended growth curve models. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 436 , 2567-2577. | |
(p104) | van de Velden, M., and Takane, Y. (2012). Generalized canonical correlation analysis with missing values. Computational Statistics, 27 , 551-571. | |
(p103) | Hwang, H., Jung, K., Takane, Y., and Woodward, T. S. (2012). Functional multiple-set canonical correlation analysis. Psychometrika. 77 , 48-64. | |
(c047) | Takane, Y., and Zhou, L. (2011). Exploratory multilevel redundancy analysis. IPS042.04 (http://www.isi2011.ie/content/access-congress-proceedings.html). | |
(p102) | Takane, Y., and Hunter, M. A. (2011). A new family of constrained principal component analysis (CPCA). Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 434 , 2539-2555. | |
(p101) | Loisel, S., and Takane, Y. (2011). Generalized GIPSCAL re-revisited: A fast convergent algorithm with acceleration by the minimum polynomial extrapolation. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 5 , 57-75 | |
(p100) | Takane, Y., Jung, K., and Hwang, H. (2011). Regularized growth curve models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55 , 1041-1052. | |
(p099) | Hwang, H., Dillon, W. R., and Takane, Y. (2010). Fuzzy cluster multiple correspondence analysis. Behaviormetrika, 37 , 111-133. | |
(p098) | Metzak, P., Feredoes, E., Takane, Y., Wang, L., Weinstein, S., Cairo, T., Ngan, E. T. C., and Woodward, T. S. (2011). Constrained principal component analysis reveals functionally connected load-dependent networks involved in multiple stages of working memory. Human Brain Mapping , 32 , 856-871. | |
(c046) | Takane, Y. (2009). The MPE (minimal polynomial extrapolation) and the vector-epsilon methods: Numerical demonstration of their equivalence in certain cases. In K. Adachi et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Symposium on New Developments in Multivariate Computational Statistics and Behaviormetrics, (pp. 89-97). Osaka University. | |
(p097) | Takane, Y., Jung, K., and Hwang, H. (2010). An acceleration technique for ten Berge et al.'s algorithm for orthogonal INDSCAL. Computational Statistics , 25 , 409-428. | |
(p096) | Hwang, H., and Takane, Y. (2010). Nonlinear generalized structured component analysis. Behaviormetrika, 37, 1-14. | |
(p095) | Takane, Y., and Jung, S. (2009). Tests of ignoring and eliminating in nonsymmetric correspondence analysis. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 3, 315-340. | |
(p094) | Takane, Y., and Zhang, Z. (2009). Algorithms for DEDICOM: Acceleration, deceleration, or neither? Journal of Chemometrics, 23 , 364-370. | |
(p093) | Tian, Y., and Takane, Y. (2009). The inverse of any 2 x 2 nonsingular partitioned matrix and three matrix inverse completion problems. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. , 1294-1304. | |
(p092) | Takane, Y., and Yanai, H. (2009). On the necessary and sufficient condition for the extended Wedderburn-Guttman theorem. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 430, 2890-2895. | |
(c045) | Zhang, Z., and Takane, Y. (2010). Statistics: Multidimensional scaling. In E. Baker, B. McGaw, and P. P. Peterson (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (3rd Edition), (pp. 304-311). Oxford: Elsevier. | |
(p091) | Tian, Y., and Takane, Y. (2009). On consistency, natural restrictions and estimability under classical and extended growth curve models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139, 2445-2458. | |
(p090) | Tian, Y., and Takane Y. (2009). More on generalized inverses of partitioned matrices with Banachiwicz-Schur forms. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 430, 1641-1655. | |
(p089) | Takane, Y., and Jung, S. (2009). Regularized nonsymmetric correspondence analysis. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53, 3159-3170. | |
(p088) | Takane, Y., and Jung, S. (2008). Regularized partial and/or constrained redundancy analysis. Psychometrika, 73, 671-690. | |
(c044) | Hwang, H., Tomiuk, M., and Takane, Y. (2009). Correspondence analysis, multiple correspondence analysis and recent developments. In R. E. Millsap and A. Maydeu-Olivares (Eds.), Handbook of quantitative methods in psychology, (pp. 243-263). London: Sage Publications. | |
(p087) | Takane, Y., Hwang, H., and Abdi, H. (2008). Regularized multiple-set canonical correlation analysis. Psychometrika, 73, 753-775. | |
(c043) | Takane, Y., Jung, S., and Oshima-Takane, Y. (2009). Multidimensional scaling. In R. E. Millsap and A. Maydeu-Olivares (Eds.), Handbook of quantitative methods in psychology, (pp. 219-242). London: Sage Publications. | |
(c042) | Jung, S., and Takane, Y. (2008). Regularized common factor analysis. In K. Shigemasu, A. Okada, T.Imaizumi, and T. Hoshino (Eds.) New Trends in Psychometrics, (pp. 141-149). Tokyo: University Academic Press. | |
(p086) | Hwang, H., Takane, Y., and Malhotra, N. (2007). Multilevel generalized structured component analysis. Behaviormetrika. 34, 95-109. | |
(p085) | Takane, Y., and Yanai, H. (2008). On ridge operators. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 428, 1778-1790. | |
(c041) | Takane, Y. (2008). More on regularization and (generalized) ridge operators. In K. Shigemasu, A. Okada, T.Imaizumi, and T. Hoshino (Eds.) New Trends in Psychometrics, (pp. 443-452). Tokyo: University Academic Press. | |
(p084) | Tian, Y., and Takane, Y. (2008). Some properties of projectors associated with the WLSE under a general linear model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 99, 1070-1082. | |
(p083) | Tian, Y., and Takane, Y. (2007). Some algebraic properties of WLSEs under a general growth curve model. Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra. 16, 187-203. | |
(p082) | Tian, Y., and Takane, Y. (2009). On V-orthogonal projectors associated with a semi-norm. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 61, 517-530. | |
(p081) | Tian, Y., and Takane, Y. (2008). On sum decompositions of weighted least-squares estimators for the partitioned linear model. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 37, 55-69. | |
(p080) | Takane, Y., and Hwang, H. (2007). Regularized linear and kernel redundancy analysis. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 52, 394-405. | |
(p079) | Shultz, T. R., and Takane, Y. (2007). Rule following and rule use in simulations of the balance scale task. Cognition, 103, 460-472. | |
(p078) | Takane, Y., and Yanai, H. (2007). Alternative characterizations of the extended Wedderburn-Guttman theorem. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 422, 701-711. | |
(p077) | Hwang, H., Takane, Y., and DeSarbo, W. S. (2007). Fuzzy clusterwise growth curve models via generalized estimating equations: An application to the antisocial behavior of children. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 42, 233-259. | |
(p076) | Hwang, H., DeSarbo, W.S., and Takane, Y. (2007). Fuzzy clusterwise generalized structured component analysis. Psychometrika. 72, 181-198. | |
(p075) | Takane, Y., and Jung, S. (2006). Generalized constrained redundancy analysis. Behaviormetrika, 33, 179-192. | |
(p074) | Takane, Y., Tian, Y., and Yanai, H. (2007). On constrained g-inverses of matrices and their properties. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 59, 807-820. | |
(p073) | Takane, Y., Tian, T., and Yanai, H. (2007). On reverse order laws for least-squares g-inverses and minimum norm g-inverses of a matrix. Aequationes Mathematicae, 73, 56-70. | |
(c040) | Yanai, H., and Takane, Y. (2007). Matrix methods and their applications to factor analysis. In Lee, S. Y. (Ed.), Handbook of Structural Equation Models, (pp. 345-366). Amsterdam: Elsevier. | |
(p072) | Tian, Y., and Takane, Y. (2005). Schur complements and Banachiewicz-Schur forms. Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 13, 405-418. | |
(p071) | Yanai, H., Takane, Y., and Ishii, H. (2006). Non-negative determinant of a rectangular matrix: Its definition and applications to multivariate analysis. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 417, 259-274. | |
(c039) | Takane, Y. (2007). Applications of multidimensional scaling in psychometrics. In Rao, C. R., and Sinharay, S. (Eds.), Handbook of Statistics (Vol. 26): Pyschometrics, (pp. 359-400). Amsterdam: Elsevier. | |
(p070) | Takane, Y., and Yanai, H. (2005). On the Wedderburn-Guttman theorem. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 410, 267-278. | |
(p069) | Tian, Y., and Takane, Y. (2006). On common generalized inverses of a pair of matrices. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 54, 195-209. | |
(p068) | Woodward, T. S., Cairo, T. A., Ruff, C. C., Takane, Y., Hunter, M. A., and Ngan, E. T. C. (2006). Load dependent neural systems underlying encoding and maintenance in verbal working memory. Neuroscience, 139, 317-325. | |
(p067) | Hwang, H., and Takane, Y. (2005). Estimation of growth curve models with structured error covariances by generalized estimating equations. Behaviormetrika, 32, 155-163. | |
(p066) | Hwang, H., Takane, Y., and Lee, J. (2005). An extended multivariate random-effects growth curve model. Behaviormetrika, 32, 141-153. | |
(p065) | Hwang, H., Dillon, W. R., and Takane, Y. (2006). An extension of multiple correspondence analysis for identifying heterogenous subgroups of respondents. Psychometrika, 71, 161-171. | |
(c038) | Takane, Y., and Hwang, H. (2006). Regularized multiple correspondence analysis. In Blasius, J., and Greenacre, M. J. (Eds.), Multiple correspondence analysis and related methods, (pp. 259-279). London: Chapman and Hall. | |
(p064) | Takane, Y., and Hwang, H. (2005). An extended redundancy analysis and its applications to two practical examples. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 49, 785-808. | |
(p063) | Takane, Y., Yanai, H., and Hwang, H. (2006). An improved method for generalized constrained canonical correlation analysis. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 50, 221-241. | |
(c037) | Takane, Y. (2005). Optimal scaling. In Everitt, B., and Howell, D. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Statistics for Behavioral Sciences.(pp. 1479-1482). Chichester: Wiley. | |
(c036) | Takane, Y. (2005). Scaling asymmetric tables. In Everitt, B., and Howell, D. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Statistics for Behavioral Sciences. (pp.1787-1790). Chichester: Wiley. | |
(p062) | Takane, Y., and Hwang, H. (2005). On a test of dimensionality in redundancy analysis. Psychometrika, 70, 271-281. | |
(c035) | Takane, Y., van der Heijden, P.G.M., and Browne, M.W. (2003). On likelihood ratio tests for dimensionality selection. In Higuchi, T., Iba, Y., and Ishiguro, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of Science of Modeling: The 30 th Anniversary Meeting of the Information Criterion (AIC), (pp.348 - 349). Report on Research and Education 17. Tokyo: The Institute of Statistical Mathematics. | |
(c034) | Takane, Y., Oshima-Takane, Y., and Shultz, T.R. (2003). Neural network simulations by cascade correlation and knowledge-based cascade correlation networks. In Higuchi, T., Iba, Y., and Ishiguro, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of Science of Modeling: The 30 th Anniversary Meeting of the Information Criterion (AIC), (pp. 245-254). Report on Research and Education 17. Tokyo: The Institute of Statistical Mathematics. | |
(p061) | Hwang, H., and Takane, Y. (2004). Generalized structured component analysis. Psychometrika, 69, 81-99. | |
(p060) | Hwang, H., and Takane Y. (2004). A multivariate reduced rank growth curve model. Psychometrika, 69, 65-79. | |
(p059) | Takane, Y. (2004). Matrices with special reference to applications in psychometrics. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 388C, 341-361. | |
(p058) | Takane, Y. (2003). Question hard, answer simply: A comment on Storm et al. (2003), Neuropsychology, 17, 321-322. | |
(p057) | Takane, Y., and Oshima-Takane, Y. (2003). Relationships between two methods of dealing with missing data in principal component analysis, Behaviormetrika, 30, 145-154. | |
(c033) | Takane, Y. (2002). Relationships among various kinds of eigenvalue and singular value decompositions. In Yanai, H., Okada, A., Shigemasu, K., Kano, Y., and Meulman, J. (Eds.), New developments in psychometrics, (pp. 45-56). Tokyo: Springer Verlag. | |
(p056) | Hunter, M. A., and Takane, Y. (2002). Constrained principal component analysis: Various applications. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 27, 41-81. | |
(p055) | Hwang, H., and Takane, Y. (2002). Generalized constrained multiple correspondence analysis, Psychometrika, 67, 215-228. | |
(p054) | Takane, Y., and Oshima-Takane (2002). Behaviormetrics: Some thoughts at the turn of a new century. Invited Paper, Special Issue of the Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics, 28, 3-11 (in Japanese). | |
(p053) | Takane, Y., and Hwang, H. (2002). Generalized constrained canonical correlation analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 37, 163-195. | |
(c032) | Takane, Y., and Oshima-Takane, Y. (2002). Approximations of nonlinear functions by neural nets. In Yanai, H., Okada, A., Shigemasu, K., Takagi, H. and Iwasaki, M. (Eds.), Handbook of multivariate analysis examples (pp. 624-632). Tokyo: Asakurashoten (in Japanese). |
(c031) | Takane, Y., and Oshima-Takane, Y. (2002). Nonlinear generalized canonical correlation analysis by neural network models. In Nishisato, S., Baba, Y., Bozdogan, H., and Kanefuji, K. (Eds.), Measurement and multivariate analysis (pp. 183-190). Tokyo: Springer Verlag. | |
(c030) | Takane, Y., and Hunter, M. A. (2002). Dimension reduction in hierarchical linear models. In Nishisato, S., Baba, Y., Bozdogan, H., and Kanefuji, K. (Eds.), Measurement and multivariate analysis (pp. 145-154). Tokyo: Springer Verlag. | |
(c029) | Hwang, H., and Takane, Y. (2002). Structural equation modeling by extended redundancy analysis. In Nishisato, S., Baba, Y., Bozdogan, H., and Kanefuji, K. (Eds.), Measurement and multivariate analysis (pp. 115-124). Tokyo: Springer Verlag. | |
(p052) | Takane, Y., and Hunter, M. A. (2001). Constrained principal component analysis: A comprehensive theory. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication, and Computing, 12, 391-419. | |
(c028) | Takane, Y. (2001). Stimulus identification data and quasi-symmetry. Paper in honor of Henri Caussinus. (http://www.lsp.ups-tlse.fr/ProjetQS/index.html) | |
(c027) | Takane, Y., and Kiers, H. A. L. (2001). Latent Class DEDICOM. Proceedings of the Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference (pp. 655-660). | |
(p051) | Oshima-Takane, Y., Takane, Y., and Shultz, T.R. (1999). The learning of first and second person pronouns in English: Network models and analysis. Journal of Child Language, 26, 545-575. | |
(p050) | Koene, R. , and Takane, Y. (1999). Discriminant analysis pruning: Regularization and interpretation of multi-layered back-propagation networks. Neural Computation, 11, 783-802. | |
(p049) | Takane, Y., and Yanai, H. (1999). On oblique projectors. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 289, 297-310. | |
(p048) | Takane, Y., Oshima-Takane, Y., and Shultz, T. R. (1999). Analysis of knowledge representations in cascade correlation networks. Behaviormetrika, 26, 5-28. | |
(p047) | Hunter, M. A., and Takane, Y. (1998). CPCA: A program for principal component analysis with external information on subjects and variables. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers , 30, 506-516. | |
(c026) | Oshima-Takane, Y., Takane, M., and Takane, Y. (1998). Learning of first, second and third person pronouns. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 800-805). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. | |
(c025) | Takane, Y. (1998). Nonlinear multivariate analysis by neural network models. In Hayashi, C., Ohsumi, N., Yajima, K., Tanaka, Y., Bock, H. H., and Baba, Y. (Eds.), Data science, classification, and related methods (pp. 527-538). Tokyo: Springer. | |
(c024) | Takane, Y. (1998). Nolinear PCA by neural network models. In the Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Statistical Society (pp. 258-260). | |
(c024) | Takane, Y. (1998). Visualization in ideal point discriminant analysis. In Blasius, J., and Greenacre, M. J. (Eds.), Visualizations of categorical data (pp. 441-459). New York: Academic Press. | |
(p046) | Takane, Y. (1998). Choice model analysis of the pick any/n type of binary data. Japanese Psychological Research, 40, 31-39. | |
(p045) | Takane, Y., and Kiers, H. A. L. (1997). Latent class DEDICOM. Journal of Classification, 14, 225-247. | |
(c022) | Takane, Y. (1997). CPCA: A comprehensive theory. In the Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) (pp. 35-40). | |
(c021) | Tetewsky, S. J., Shultz, T. R., and Takane, Y. (1997). Training regimens and function compatibility: Implications for understanding the effects of prior knowledge on concept learning. In the Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 304-309). Hillsdale, NJ: Erl-baum. | |
(c020) | Takane, Y. (1997). The use of PSVD and QSVD in psychometrics. In the Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 51st Session (pp. 255- 58). | |
(p044) | Takane, Y. (1996). An item response model for multidimensional analysis of multiple-choice questionnaire data. Behaviormetrika, 23, 153-167. | |
(p043) | Kiers, H. A. L., Takane, Y., and ten Berge, J. M. F. (1996). The analysis of multitrait-multimethod matrices via constrained component analysis. Psychometrika, 61, 601-628. | |
(p042) | Takane, Y., Kiers, H. A. L., and de Leeuw, J. (1995). Component analysis with different constraints on different dimensions. Psychometrika, 60, 259-280. | |
(c019) | Takane, Y. Oshima-Takane, Y., and Shultz, T. R. (1995). Network analysis: The case of first and second person pronouns. In the Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) (pp. 3594-3599). | |
(c018) | Shultz, T. R., Oshima-Takane, Y., and Takane, Y. (1995). Analysis of un-standardized contributions in cross connected networks. In Tesauro, G. et al. (Eds.), Advances in neural information processing systems 7, (pp. 601-608). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. | |
(p041) | Kiers, H. A. L., and Takane, Y. (1994). A generalization of GIPSCAL for the analysis of nonsymmetric data. Journal of Classiffication, 11, 79-99. | |
(c017) | Takane, Y., Oshima-Takane, Y., and Shultz, T. R. (1994). Approximations of nonlinear functions by feed-forward neural networks. In the Proceedings of the Japan Classiffication Society Meeting, (pp. 26-33). | |
(c016) | Bockenholt, U., and Takane, Y. (1994). Linear constraints in correspondence analysis. In Greenacre, M. J., and Blasius, J. (Eds.), Correspondence analysis in the social sciences: Recent developments and applications (pp. 112-127). New York: Academic Press. | |
(c015) | van der Heijden, P. G. M., Mooijaart, A., and Takane, Y. (1994). Correspondence analysis and contingency table models. In Greenacre, M. J., and Blasius, J. (Eds.), Correspondence analysis in the social sciences: Recent developments and applications (pp. 79-111). New York: Academic Press. | |
(c014) | Takane, Y. (1994). A review of applications of AIC in psychometrics. In Bozdogan, H., (Ed.), Proceedings of the First US/Japan Conference on the Frontiers of Statistical Modeling: An informational approach (pp. 379-403). Dortrecht: Kluver Academic Publisher. | |
(p040) | Kiers, H. A. L., Takane, Y., and Mooijaart, A. (1993). A monotonically convergent algorithm for FACTALS. Psychometrika, 58, 567-574. | |
(p039) | Kiers, H. A. L., and Takane, Y. (1993). Constrained DEDICOM. Psychometrika, 58, 339-355. | |
(p038) | Yanai, H., and Takane, Y. (1992). Canonical correlation analysis with linear constraints. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 176, 75-82. | |
(p037) | Takane, Y. (1992). On constrained principal component analysis. Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics, 19, 29-39 (in Japanese). | |
(c013) | Takane, Y., and Shibayama, T. (1992). Structures in stimulus identification data. In Ashby, F. G. (Ed.), Probabilistic multidimensional models of perception and cognition (pp. 335-362). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. | |
(p036) | Takane, Y., Yanai, H., and Mayekawa, S. (1991). Relationships among several methods of linearly constrained correspondence analysis. Psychometrika, 56, 667-684. | |
(p035) | Takane, Y., and Shibayama, T. (1991). Principal component analysis with external information on both subjects and variables. Psychometrika, 56, 97-120. | |
(p034) | Kiers, H. A. L., ten Berge, J. M. F., Takane, Y., and de Leeuw, J. (1990). A generalization of Takane's algorithm for DEDICOM. Psychometrika, 55, 151-158. | |
(c012) | Takane, Y. (1990). Ideal point discriminant analysis and its applications. In Yanai, H., et al., (Eds.), Quantification in Behavioral Sciences (pp. 43-69). Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, (in Japanese). | |
(p033) | Takane, Y . (1989) . Ideal point discriminant analysis and ordered response categories . Behaviormetrika, 26, 31 - 46 . | |
(c011) | Takane, Y. (1989). Ideal point discriminant analysis: Implications for multiway data analysis. In Coppi, R. et al. (Eds.) Multiway '88 (pp. 287- 299). Amsterdam: North Holland. | |
(c010) | Takane, Y. (1989). Multidimensional scaling and the quantification methods. In Ishii, K. et al. (Eds.) Dictionary of Statistics, Tokyo: Toyo Keizai Shimposha, (in Japanese). | |
(p032) | Takane, Y. (1987). Development of cognitive statistics and statistical expert systems. Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics, 14, 38-40. | |
(p031) | Takane, Y. (1987). Analysis of contingency tables by ideal point discriminant analysis. Psychometrika, 52, 493-513. (Presidential address to the Psychometric Society). |
(p030) | Takane, Y., Bozdogan, H., and Shibayama, T. (1987). Ideal point discriminant analysis. Psychometrika, 52, 371-392. | |
(p029) | Sergent, J., and Takane, Y. (1987). Structures in two-choice reaction time data. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 13, 300-315. | |
(p028) | Takane, Y. (1987). Optimal linear and quadratic classifiers. Behaviormetrika, 14, 97-110. | |
(p027) | Takane, Y. (1987). Analysis of covariance structures and probabilistic binary choice models. Communication and Cognition, 20, 45-61. (Also In De Soete, G. et al., (Eds.), New developments in psychological choice modeling (pp. 139-160). Amsterdam: North Holland, 1989.) | |
(p026) | Takane, Y., and de Leeuw, J. (1987). On the relationship between item response theory and factor analysis of discretized variables. Psychometrika, 52, 393-408. | |
(c009) | Takane, Y. (1986). Multiple discriminant analysis for predictor variables measured at various scale levels. In Gaul, W., and Schader, M. (Eds.), Classification as a Tool of Research (pp. 439-445). Amsterdam: Elsevier. | |
(c008) | Takane, Y., and Shibayama, T. (1986). Comparison of models for stimulus recognition data. In J. de Leeuw, W. Heiser, J. Meulman, and F. Critchley. (Eds.), Multidimensional Data Analysis (pp. 119-148). Leiden: DSWO Press, (with discussion). | |
(c007) | Takane, Y. (1985). Nonmetric data analysis. In Kotz, S., and Johnson, N. L. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 6 (pp 314-318). New York: Wiley. | |
(p025) | Takane, Y. (1984). Multiple discriminant analysis for predictor variables measured at various scale levels. The Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 32, 261-263 (in Japanese). | |
(c006) | Takane, Y. (1984). Basic concepts and applications of multidimensional scaling. In Hirotsu, C. et al., (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1984 Annual Meeting of Japan Applied Statistical Society (pp. 30-41). Tokyo: Japan Applied Statistical Society. | |
(c005) | Takane, Y. (1984). Multidimensional scaling, Optimal scaling, Distance, etc. (27 items altogether). In Shiba, S. et al. (Eds.), Dictionary of statistical terms. Tokyo: Shinyosha, (in Japanese). | |
(c004) | Takane, Y. (1984). Multidimensional scaling of sorting data. In Chaubey, Y. P., and Dwivedi, T. D. (Eds.), Topics in Applied Statistics, '81 Canada Conference (pp. 659-666). Montreal: Concordia University Press. | |
(c003) | Takane, Y. (1984). The weighted additive model. In Law, H. G. et al, (Eds.), Research methods for multimode data analysis in the behavioral sciences (pp. 470-516). New York: Praeger. | |
(p024) | Takane, Y., and Sergent, J. (1983). Multidimensional scaling models for reaction times and same different judgments. Psychometrika, 48, 393-423. | |
(p023) | Takane, Y. (1982). IDSORT: An individual differences multidimensional scaling for sorting data. Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation, 14, 546. | |
(p022) | Takane, Y. (1982). Maximum likelihood additivity analysis. Psychometrika, 47, 225-241. | |
(p021) | Takane, Y. (1982). The method of triadic combinations: A new treatment and its applications. Behaviormetrika, 11, 37-48. | |
(p020) | Takane, Y. (1981). MDSORT: A special purpose multidimensional scaling program for sorting data. Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation, 13, 698, (Also in Journal of Marketing Research, 1981, 18, 480-481.) | |
(p019) | Takane, Y., and Carroll, J. D. (1981). Nonmetric maximum likelihood multidimensional scaling from directional rankings of similarities. Psychometrika, 46, 389-405. | |
(p018) | Takane, Y. (1981). Multidimensional successive categories scaling: A maximum likelihood method. Psychometrika, 46, 9-28. | |
(c002) | Takane, Y. (1981). Model evaluation in multidimensional scaling. Mathematical Sciences, No. 213, (in Japanese). | |
(p017) | Takane, Y. (1980). Maximum likelihood estimation in the generalized case of Thurstone's model of comparative judgment. Japanese Psychological Research, 22, 188-196. | |
(p016) | Takane, Y. (1980). Analysis of categorizing behavior by a quantification method. Behaviormetrika, 8, 57-67. | |
(p015) | Takane, Y., Young, F. W., and de Leeuw, J. (1980). An individual differences additive model: An alternating least squares method with optimal scaling features. Psychometrika, 45, 183-209. | |
(p014) | Takane, Y., Young, F. W., and de Leeuw, J. (1979). Nonmetric common factor analysis: An alternating least squares method with optimal scaling features. Behaviormetrika, 6, 45-56. | |
(p013) | Takane, Y. (1978). A maximum likelihood method for nonmetric multidimensional scaling: I. The case in which all empirical pairwise orderings are independent-evaluations. Japanese Psychological Research, 20, 105-114. | |
(p012) | Takane, Y. (1978). A maximum likelihood method for nonmetric multidimensional scaling: I. The case in which all empirical pairwise orderings are independent-theory. Japanese Psychological Research, 20, 7-17. | |
(p011) | Young, F. W., Takane, Y., and Lewyckyj, R. (1978). ALSCAL: A nonmetric multidimensional scaling program with several individual difference options. Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation, 10, 451-453. (Also, in Journal of Marketing Research, 1978, 15, 612-615 and in American Statistician, 1980, 34, 117-118). | |
(c001) | Young, F. W., de Leeuw, J., and Takane, Y. (1980). Quantifying qualitative data. In Lantermann, E. D., and Feger, H. (Eds.) Similarity and choice (pp. 150-179). Bern: Hans Huber. | |
(p010) | Young, F. W., Takane, Y., and Lewyckyj, R. (1978). Three notes on ALSCAL. Psychometrika, 43, 433-435. | |
(p009) | Young, F. W., Takane, Y., and de Leeuw, J. (1978). Principal components of mixed measurement level multivariate data: An alternating least squares method with optimal scaling features. Psychometrika, 43, 279-281. | |
(p008) | Takane, Y. (1977). On the relations among four methods of multidimensional scaling. Behaviormetrika, 9, 29-43. | |
(p007) | Takane, Y., Young, F. W., and de Leeuw, J. (1977). Nonmetric individual differences multidimensional scaling: An alternating least squares method with optimal scaling features. Psychometrika, 42, 8-67. | |
(p006) | Young, F. W., de Leeuw, J., and Takane, Y. (1976). Regression with qualitative and quantitative variables: An alternating least squares method with optimal scaling features. Psychometrika, 41, 505-529. | |
(p005) | de Leeuw, J., Young, F. W., and Takane, Y. (1976). Additive structure in qualitative data: An alternating least squares method with optimal scaling features. Psychometrika, 41, 471-504. | |
(p004) | Takane, Y. (1976). A statistical procedure for the latent profile model. Japanese Psychological Research, 18, 82-90 | |
(p003) | Takane, Y., and Cramer, E. M. (1975). Regions of significance in multiple regression analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 10, 373-383. | |
(p002) | Takane, Y. (1972). Estimation of the recruitment latent classes by least squares methods. Japanese Psychological Research, 14, 87-102. | |
(p001) | Hidano, T., Yanai, H., Nushi, A., Shigemasu, K., and Takane, Y. (1971). A methodological study of test battery construction. Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 19, 37-51 (in Japanese). |
4 . Book Reviews
(b008) | Nishisato, S. (1994). Elements of dual scaling: An introduction to practical data analysis. Hillsdale: NJ: Erlbaum. (Reviewed for Applied Psychological Measurement, 18, 379-382.) | |
(b007) | ten Berge, J. M. F. (1993). Least squares optimization in multivariate analysis. Leiden: The Netherlands: DSWO Press. (Reviewed for Psychometrika, 60, 447-448.) | |
(b006) | Gifi, A. (1990). Nonlinear multivariate analysis. (Reviewed for Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87, 587-588.) | |
(b005) | Gale, W. A. (Ed.) (1988). Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. (Statistics: art or craft? Reviewed for the Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 32, 205-207.) | |
(b004) | Sakamoto, Y., Ishiguro, M., and Kitagawa, G. (1983). Information statistics. Tokyo: Kyoritsu Shuppan, 1983. (Reviewed for Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics, 11, 79-80, in Japanese.) | |
(b003) | Lodge, M. (1983). Magnitude scaling: Quantitative measurements of opinions. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1981, and McIver, J. P., and Carmines, E. G. (1981). Unidimensional scaling. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1981. (Reviewed for Applied Psychological Measurement, 7, 111-112.) | |
(b002) | Nishisato, S. (1982). Analysis of categorical data: Dual scaling and its applications. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1980. (Reviewed for the Canadian Journal of Statistics, 10, 67-68.) | |
(b001) | Beck, J. V., and Arnold, K. J. (1978). Parameter estimation in engineering and science. New York: John Wiley, 1977. (Reviewed for Psychometrika, 43, 457-458.) |
5 . CPCA Related Material.
(CP000) | There are two short sections in Takane (2013), which were deleted at the last moment. One is on PLS (Partial Least Squares) and the other on REML (Residual Maximum Likelihood). They can be downloaded here. |
5.1 A General-Purpose CPCA Program and Example Data Sets.
(CP001) | The CPCA program in MATLAB (CPCA.zip). | |
(CP002) | If you want all of CP008 through CP022 below in one zip file, you can download them here. | |
(CP008) | The Mezzich data for CPCA (mezzichZG.txt). (Use m=17, q=0, id=0, iz=2, mg=0, ig=0.) | |
(CP009) | The car data for CPCA (carFG.txt). (Use m=14, q=11, id=2, ig=1, ih=1.) | |
(CP010) | The right-hand side constraint matrix H for the car data (carH.txt). | |
(CP011) | The abortion data for CPCA (attitudeabortionFG.txt). (Use m=3, q=1, id=2; nd must be 1 for certin analyses.) | |
(CP012) | The right-hand side constraint matrix for the abortion data (attitudeabortionH.txt). | |
(CP013) | Nishisato's item-category data (nishiZ.txt). (Use m=4, q=0, id=1.) | |
(CP014) | A description of Nishisato's item-category data (nishiitemcatDes.txt). | |
(CP015) | The Rodgers data for family composition preference (rodgersZ.txt). (Use m=18, q=5, id=0, iz=2.) | |
(CP016) | A right-hand side constraint matrix for the Rodgers data (rodgersH.txt). | |
(CP017) | A description of the Rodgers data for family composition preference (rodgersDes.txt). | |
(CP018) | The Delbeke data for CPCA (delbekeZ.txt). (Use m=16, q=6, 12, or 2, id=2, ig=1, ih=1.) | |
(CP019) | A right-hand side constraint matrix for the Delbeke data (delbekeHmf.txt). (The B by G factorial hypothesis.) | |
(CP020) | A right-hand side constraint matrix for the Delbeke data (debekeHts.txt). (The T by S factorial hypothesis.) | |
(CP021) | A right-hand side constraint matrix for the Delbeke data (delbekeHmfEI.txt). (The B by G equal interval hypothesis.) | |
(CP022) | A right-hand side constraint matrix for the Delbeke data (delbekeHtsEI.txt). (The T by S equal interval hypothesis). |
5.3 Other Programs that Generated Example Results in the Book.
(r002) | MATLAB programs and data for examples in the CPCA book (CPCAbookEx.zip). |
Description of files in CPCAbookEX.zip:
1) | CPCAex1.m: A MATLAB program for analysis of Mezzich's data (Example 1). |
2) | mezzich.txt: Mezzich's data. |
3) | CPCAex2.m: A MATLAB program for analysis of Segi's food-cancer data (Example 2). |
4) | food.txt: Segi's food-cancer data. |
5) | CPCAex3.m: A MATLAB program for analysis of Greenacre's car purchase data (Example 3). |
6) | car.txt: Greenacre's car purchase data. |
7) | CPCAex4.m: A MATLAB program for analysis of Fisher's eye and hair color data (Example 4.) The data are given in the program. |
8) | CPCAex5.m: A MATLAB program for discriminant analysis of Fisher's iris data on page 103. |
9) | iris.txt: Fisher's iris data. |
10) | CPCAex6-1.m: A MATLAB program for symmetric constrained correspondence analysis (SCCA) of Haberman's abortion data on page 113. The data are given in the program. |
11) | CPCAex6-2.m: A MATLAB program for non-symmetric constrained correspondence analysis (NSCCA) of Haberman's abortion data on page 113. The data are given in the program. |
12) | CPCAex7.m: A MATLAB program for multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) of the have words on page 125. |
13) | cellip.m: A MATLAB routine for drawing 95% confidence regions. |
14) | haveword.txt: The have word data. |
15) | CPCAex9.m: A MATLAB program for bootstrap confidence regions for CPCA of Mezzich's data on page 159. |
16) | CPCAex10.m: A MATLAB program for generalized structured component analysis (GSCA) of Kempler's rectangle data on page 191. |
17) | block1.m: A subroutine used in the GSCA program. |
18) | prm.m: A subroutine used in the GSCA program. |
19) | secq.m: A subroutine used in the GSCA program. |
20) | tr.m: A subroutine used in the GSCA program. |
21) | trany.m: A subroutine used in the GSCA program. |
22) | rectangle.txt: Kempler's rectangle data. |
23) | delbeke.txt: Delbeke's family composition preference data on pages 184-185. |
5.4 Fortran Source Programs for CPCA and DCDD (and Example Data).
(f001) | A FORTRAN program for CPCA (cpcaFORTRAN.zip). | |
(f002) | A FORTRAN program for DCDD (dcddFORTRAN.zip). |
Description of files in cpcaFORTRAN.zip and dcddFORTRAN.zip.
1) | cpcamain.f: A main program for CPCA in FORTRAN. |
2) | cpcasub.f: A set of subroutines for the CPCA program. |
3) | cpca.d1: CPCA input example 1. |
4) | cpca.d1out: CPCA output example 1. |
5) | cpca.txt: How to use CPCA. |
6) | dcddmain.f: A main program for DCDD in FORTRAN. |
7) | dcddsub.f: A set of subrouties for the DCDD program. |
8) | dcddsub2.f: Another set of subroutines for the DCDD program. |
9) | dcdd.d1: DCDD input example 1. |
10) | dcdd.d1out: DCDD output example 1. |
11) | dcdd.txt: How to use DCDD. |
5.5 R Programs for Examples in the CPCA Book.
(R001) | R programs for examples in the CPCA book (cpcaR.zip). |
Description of files in cpcaR.zip:
1) | CPCAmezzich1.R: Example 1 (requires "mezzich.txt" to run). |
2) | mezzich.txt |
3) | CPCAfood1.R: Example 2 (requires the data file "food.txt" to run). |
4) | food.txt |
5) | CPCAcar2.R: Example 3 (requires the data file "car.txt" to run). |
6) | car.txt |
7) | CPCAFisher1940_1.R: Example 4. |
8) | CPCAcanofood1.R: Canonical correlation analysis of the food data (requires the data file "food.txt" to run). |
9) | IrisDiscriminant.R: Discriminant analysis of the Iris data (requires the data file "iris.txt" to run). |
10) | iris.txt |
6 . Slides from Some Presentations.
(s001) | Slides: On Likelihood Ratio Tests for Dimensionality Selection. A talk given at the IMPS-2007 (International Meeting of the Psychometric Society-2007) Tokyo, Japan, June 2007. | |
(s002) | Talk: On Likelihood Ratio Tests for Dimensionality Selection. | |
(t001) | Slides: Statistical Models for the Analysis of Brain Connectivity Based on fMRI Data. An award talk given at the Japanese Psychological Association Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, September 2013. | |
(t002) | Talk: A structural equation model (SEM) for analysis of effective connectivity in brain. | |
(t003) | Slides: Missing data in PCA. An invited talk given in the International Symposium on Incomplete Data Analysis and Causal Inference, Osaka University, Japan, September, 2013. | |
(t004) | Talk: Missing data in PCA. | |
(t005) | Slides: Sensometrics and Constrained Principal Component Analsis. An invited talk given at the 2014 Sensometric Society Meeting, Chicago, USA, August, 2014. | |
(t006) | Talk: Sensometrics and Constrained Principal Component Analysis. | |
(t007) | Slides: Professor Yanai and Multivaraite Analysis. A plenary talk given at the 24th International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, Haikou, China, May 2015. | |
(t008) | Talk: Professor Yanai and Multivaraite Analysis. | |
(t009) | Slides: Analysis of Brain Connectivity through fMRI Data: Dynamic GSCA and Dynamic GCANO. An invited talk given as the First Yanai Lecture at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Behaviormetric Society, Tokyo, Japan, September 2015. |
Copyright 2005 Kenji Takane. All rights reserved.